
FCC Enforcement Advisory

The FCC has just issued a reminder that radio equipment, including Amateur and Personal Radio services, may not be used to commit or facilitate crimes. The notice is titled “Warning: Amateur and Personal Radio Services Licensees and Operators May Not Use Radio Equipment to Commit or Facilitate Criminal Acts” and can be accessed here:

Similarly, the ARRL® has also issued a statement via e-mail to its members:

ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio

For over 100 years amateur radio and ARRL — the National Association for Amateur Radio® — have stood for the development of the science and art of communications, public service, and the enhancement of international goodwill. Amateur Radio’s long history and service to the public has solidified the well-earned reputation that “Amateur Radio saves lives.”

Amateur Radio Operators, due to their history of public service, their training, and the requirement that they be licensed by the FCC have earned their status as a component of critical communications infrastructure and as a reliable resource “when all else fails.”

Amateur Radio is about development of communications and responsible public service. Its misuse is inconsistent with its history of service and its statutory charter. ARRL does not support its misuse for purposes inconsistent with these values and purposes.”


New FCC Amateur Radio License Fees

The FCC has recently published their “Amendment of the Schedule of Application Fees” in their most recent Report and Order and the new fees are $35 for Amateur Radio license transactions . This amendment was adopted on 23 DEC 2020 and released on 29 DEC 2020.

For more information, you can read the detailed discussion behind this decision in the published document DA/FCC # FCC-20-184 (MD Docket No. 20-270). Section III.B, item 1.b discusses personal licenses with the bulk of the discussion surrounding Amateur Radio license fees.

Link to the full FCC Amendment: